Dubai Health Insurance Broker



Simplifying Insurance

UAE Medical Insurance, operated by Medstar Insurance Brokers LLC aims to provide expatriates and travelers living, or traveling in, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), or the Arabian Peninsula area with unbiased advice to assist in choosing a health or medical insurance plan. Our comparison tools and unrivaled knowledge of the GCC and Arabian Peninsula region comes from years of local experience; and as such, we can provide you with the best insurance options available.

About Us

We work with the majority of health insurance companies to help you choose exactly what you need from your UAE health insurance plan. We have been working with the leading health insurance companies for decades and our strong relationships with them mean that we can help you find the most suitble option for your specific requirements.

We understand that choosing an expatriate medical insurance plan is very important and often confusing. We simplify that for you and do our best to make you feel comfortable with all aspects of your health insurance plan before you purchase a policy.

After you contact us by phone, by email, or simply by requesting a quote, an advisor will contact you, assess your needs, and prepare a detailed comparison table of different plans from a range of insurance companies.

Even after purchasing a policy, there will be dedicated support teams always ready to help you with the management, claims handling, and overall administration of your medical insurance policy.

We will always represent your interests, and not those of the insurance companies. Please feel secure knowing that our advice is impartial and will be suited specifically for your unique needs.

We have a team of expert consultants ready to help you learn more about choosing a UAE health or medical insurance policy. To discover what plans are most suited for you and your region, please contact us today



UAE-Medical-Insurance is owned and operated by Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers LLC who is regulated and licensed by the UAE Insurance Authority (license number 266).

Registered Office: PO Box 391195, Dubai, UAE
